Toledo, OH has a city area of 84.12 square miles.
Oh dear! Yes, very much so! 1760 times bigger.
There were 721 sworn officers of all ranks on the Toledo Ohio Police Department as of 12-31-2009.
Oh, dude, seriously? Obviously, 325 is bigger than 25. It's like comparing a mini cupcake to a whole cake. Like, come on, it's not rocket science.
Oh, dude, like, totally! 1 inch is bigger than 0.75 inches. It's like saying you have a dollar and your friend has 75 cents. You're winning by a quarter, man!
The shortest driving distance is 225 miles.
The city of Columbus, OH is farther away from Harrisburg, PA than Indianapolis, IN. The trip from Columbus, OH to Harrisburg, PA is approximately 365 miles.
The address of the Toledo History Museum Inc is: Po Box 485, Toledo, OH 43697-0485
Belleville, IL is approximately 440 miles from Toledo, OH.
149 miles
The address of the Toledo Botanical Garden is: 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, OH 43635-2948
The address of the Toledo Firefighters Museum is: 918 W Sylvania Ave, Toledo, OH 43612-1343
about 180 miles
The distance from Findlay, OH to Toledo, OH is approximately 45 miles by car, taking about 45-50 minutes to drive.
Toledo OH
Toledo, OH.