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im not sure how clearly your phrasing your question, but when dealing with circuits potential difference (voltage) is max, and at the positive terminal its zero. it decreases as you go around the circuit. hope this helps

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Q: Is Voltage with respect to negative terminal taken as positive or negative?
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Do positive rational numbers form group?

Yes, with respect to multiplication but not with respect to addition.

Which is greater negative 21 or negative 22?

-21 is greater. With respect to zero, -22 is greater.

How does a graph line with a steeper slpoe compare to one with a shallower slope?

Above the x axis, a steeper slope means more positive and therefore a faster rate of change of y with respect to x. This rate increases as the slope goes more and more away from the x axis. Below the x axis a steeper slope means more negative and therefore a faster rate of change of y with respect to x in the negative side. This rate increases as the slope goes more and more away from the x axis. For a distance vs. time graph. A steep positive slope means higher velocity. A steeper negative slope means higher velocity in the direction opposite to motion (declaration in a way).

Why arent all integrals of root x 0 as the graph is symmetrical about the x-axis?

The integral of a function, with respect to x, may be regarded as the area between the function and the x-axis. However, the calculated area - using integration - is positive when the graph is above the x-axis and negative when the graph is below. For a function which is partly above the x-axis and partly below, it is necessary to partition it into sub-domains over which it is positive and other sub-domains where it is negative. All the parts where it is above the x-axis are then integrated as normal. Where the graph is negative, the integral is calculated as normal but then the sign of the result must be changed before adding the results to the "positive" areas.

What is the combination of real numbers in math?

It depends on the combination. Real numbers are closed with respect to arithmetical operations (+, -, *, /), as well as integer powers (exponents). So a combination of real numbers using any of these operators will yield a real number. But the set is not closed with respect to some fractional powers - for example, the square root of a negative number is not real.It depends on the combination. Real numbers are closed with respect to arithmetical operations (+, -, *, /), as well as integer powers (exponents). So a combination of real numbers using any of these operators will yield a real number. But the set is not closed with respect to some fractional powers - for example, the square root of a negative number is not real.It depends on the combination. Real numbers are closed with respect to arithmetical operations (+, -, *, /), as well as integer powers (exponents). So a combination of real numbers using any of these operators will yield a real number. But the set is not closed with respect to some fractional powers - for example, the square root of a negative number is not real.It depends on the combination. Real numbers are closed with respect to arithmetical operations (+, -, *, /), as well as integer powers (exponents). So a combination of real numbers using any of these operators will yield a real number. But the set is not closed with respect to some fractional powers - for example, the square root of a negative number is not real.

Related questions

How can you get negative voltage?

Your question should read "How do you get a negative potential?", for the reasons explained below.The term, 'voltage', is another word for 'potential difference'. The terms 'positive' and 'negative', when applied to a potential difference or voltage indicates the sense (or direction) in which the potential difference or voltage is acting. For example, if a second voltage is acting in the same direction as another voltage then it is acting in the positive sense; if it is acting in the opposite direction then in is acting in the negative sense'.It's very important to understand that you cannot apply 'positive' and 'negative' is the sense of charge or polarity to potential difference or voltage. You can, however, apply these terms to 'potential'. Potential is relative, and always measured with respect to a given point (often, the earth). So a point can be, for example, +5 V or -5 V with respect to another point (usually earth or ground, but not necessarily).Never confuse 'potential' with 'potential difference' and remember that 'voltage' means potential difference notpotential.So, to obtain a negative potential, earth (ground) the positive terminal of the battery or d.c. supply. All potentials measured relative to earth are now negative. To obtain a positive potential, earth the negative terminal of the battery or d.c. supply instead. All potentials measured relative to earth are now positive.If you want to get a negative potential,Earth the positive terminal of the DC power sourceConnect a resistor in series with the negative terminal of the sourceAt the other end of the resistor you get a negative potential (the value's less than the value of the power supply)

What is mean polar?

What is meant by polarity? Answer An electric charge has a polarity of either positive or negative. Also a voltage has a polarity, in that it could be positive or negative, with respect to some other voltage, such as the one at the other end of a battery or electric circuit.

In a 1.5V battery taking the negative terminal as 0.0V what is the electrical potential energy of an electron leaving the negative battery terminal?

The electrical potential energy of an electron leaving the negative terminal of a 1.5V battery would be 1.5 electronvolts (eV). This energy is gained by the electron as it moves through the circuit towards the positive terminal.

What is the voltage reading of positive wire in 110V dc?

You should be asking, 'What is the potential reading of a positive wire....?', as 'voltage' means 'potential difference' and you can't have a potential difference on a wire! The positive wire has a potential difference of +110 V with respect to the negative wire.

What is the primary difference between the LM317 and LM337 regulators based on electrical engineering?

Both are 1.5A adjustable voltage regulators. The LM317 outputs a positive (with respect to ground) voltage, and the LM337 outputs a negative voltage.

What is negative 48 volt DC voltage?

Negative 48 volt DC voltage is simply a voltage that is negative 48 volts with respect to ground. This voltage is widely used in telecommunication systems.

What is the voltage reading of positive wire in 110V dc circuit?

You should be asking, 'What is the potential reading of a positive wire....?', as 'voltage' means 'potential difference' and you can't have a potential difference on a wire! The positive wire has a potential of +110 V with respect to the negative wire.Read more: What_is_the_voltage_reading_of_positive_wire_in_110V_dc

What is positive and negative dc voltage?

They are opposites of each other. This refers to the direction of the electrical current is flowing. A battery right side up has +4.6 volts across it. Current is flowing out of the top and I to the bottom. Flip it upside down, now measured the same way you'll see -4.6 volts, meaning current if flowing into the top and out of the bottom.Additional AnswerThere is no such thing as a 'positive' and 'negative' voltage if you are referring to 'positive' and 'negative' in the sense of polarity or charge. Voltage is simply another name for potential difference, and you cannot have a positively- or negatively-charged potential difference! Presumably, what your question should ask is "What is positive and negative potential?".The potential at any point in a circuit is measured with respect to another point in the same circuit -often, this is earth (or ground). For example, a car battery's negative terminal is usually earthed to the vehicle's metal chassis, so anything connected directly to its positive terminal has a potentialof +12 V.On the other hand, 'positive' and 'negative' can also refer to sense or direction, rather than polarity or charge. Used in this sense, you can apply these terms to potential difference or voltage. For example, if a second battery acts in the same direction as another battery, then its voltage is acting in the positive sense (or direction); if it is connected to oppose another battery, then its voltage is acting in the negative sense. Applying the terms 'positive' and 'negative', in this sense, to potential differences or voltages, is useful in various electrical theorems, such as Kirchhoff's.

How do you find the voltage at a point in a circuit with respect to a negative voltage?

First of all, 'voltage' means potential difference -and you cannot have a potential difference 'at a point'. Similarly, you cannot have a 'negative' potential difference, so it doesn't make sense to talk about a 'negative voltage'.Your question, therefore, should read: 'How do you find the potential at a point in a circuit with respect to a negative potential?'The answer is that you simply connect a voltmeter between the two points. The reading will give you the value of the potential. If it reads upscale, then it'll be positive; if it reads downscale, then it will be negative (i.e. even more negative tan the reference potential).

Can you call forward bias voltage as positive voltage?

it is not necessary that always positive voltage should act as a forward bias voltage , it is the potential difference between cathode and anode that makes it forward or reverse biased .it the anode(p- doped material) positive with respect to cathode(n- doped material) --> forward biasedit the anode(p- doped material) negative with respect to cathode(n- doped material) --> reverse biasedex.anode - 5v cathode - 3vanode - 1v cathode - -2vboth the examples are forward biased.

In hobowars how does your respect go up?

Your respect will increase if you beat hobos with negative respect and will decrease if you fight hobos with positive respect.

What is the voltage difference between positive and negative voltage?

The voltage is the difference in electric potential between two points in a circuit. For positive and negative voltages, the voltage difference is the mathematical absolute value of the difference between the two potential points. It represents the electrical potential energy per unit charge between these two points.