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Q: Is Wednesday 2 or 3 syllables?
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How many syllables are in in this line.i found an earthworm on the ground?

8. {i found}is 2 syllables,{an earthworm} is 3 syllables, and {on the ground} is also 3 syllables so, 2+3+3=8 ;)

The word stagger has 2 syllables but does staggered have 2 or 3 syllables?

it has 2 syllables stagg-ered

How many syllables are in plotted?

the answer is 3. plotted have 3 syllables.

How many syllables does the word monster have?

2 or 3 IT has 2 syllables.

How many syllables does gardening have?

2 syllables.

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There are 3 syllables.

Does really have 3 syllables?

No it doesn't. It has 2 syllables.

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2 syllables

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The word bubbly has 2 syllables.

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1 + 2 = 3 syllables

Does controlled have 3 syllables?

No, there are 2 syllables. Con-trolled.

How many syllables are in allowance?

There are 2 syllables in "allow".