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Not really because the numerals are out of place but DXVwould equal 515 in Roman numerals.

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Q: Is XVD equal to any roman numeral or number?
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How do you get to the end of Microsoft Office Excel?

The below is true (CTRL-downARROW) if there are no breaks (blank cells) in the column or row in question. The end of the sheet is actually determined by pressing CTRL-END. Normally, what EXCEL thinks is the end of the data may not be the same as the actual end. For example: Let's say your sheet has no more data after COLUMN-H, ROW-100 (=H100) - But when you press CTRL-END, you are taken to a cell much further down (for example: =H349) Good news: The end of the document may be RESET by selecting the cell you want to be the END (like H100). Make a MACRO with the following and execute it one time and the end is now reset. Any time there's an issue like this, the macro will take care of it. Sub RESETrange() ActiveSheet.UsedRange End Sub Daniel L ----------------------------------------------------- You can get to the end of the worksheet in Microsoft Excel by holding the Control button down, and then the 'down' button on your keyboard. This will take you to the vertical end of the worksheet. If you want to go to the horizontal end, use the 'right' key instead of the 'down' one. Essentially, use the arrow keys in combination with the Control button to go to the extremity of the worksheet in that direction. The 'highest' cell reference in Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003 is IV65536 (column IV, row 65536). 65536 is 216. In Excel 2007, these limits are upped much further, to XFD1048576 (column XVD, row 1048576). That is 1048576 rows (220), and 16384 columns (214). Simply in the name box type the last cell address for go to the end of MS Excel last cell or press F5 key for Go To Dialogue box. to find the size of the sheet click over the intersection of Row number and Column Label and view the size of the sheet in the name box SANJAY KISHORE