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Q: Is Xp22.31 duplication the cause of autisim?
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What is autisim?

Autisim is a disabitliy that most people can have

Can flashing lights cause autisim?

NO! Flashing lights causes seizures, NOT autism. An autistic child may be entranced in them, though...

What is the child to staff ratio in childcare for children with autisim?

The Child that has autisim may be feared and he or she might not reach the age of 67

Is moving data the same as duplicating data?

No, Moving data is not same as duplicating data. When we copy data that causes duplication of data . And while moving we are just changing the storage location of data.To copy data is duplication, but to move data does not cause duplication.

What companies provide cd printing and duplication?

The following companies provid CD printing and duplication: Express Duplication, Trade Duplication, Disc Makers, Duplication Centre, Mixonic, Max Duplications, Direct CD.

Does Autisim effect boy or girls or both?

More boys than girls are affected.

What is gene duplication?

Gene duplication is a key mechanism in evolution.

When does duplication of chromosomes occur?

when does the duplication of chromosomes occur?

Where can one find cheap cd duplication?

One can find cheap cd duplication from Express Duplication, Trade Duplication, Xpress Duplication, Copy Cats Media and Disc Burner online services. One can duplicate professional CDs, and save a substantial amount of money.

Does radioactive decay only cause deletion mutations in the DNA?

No. Radiation can cause rearrangements or alterations in the DNA. Additionally, radiation can cause improper gene replication, resulting in minor duplication and other errors.

How does duplication affect the organism?

Duplication can lead to genetic disorders, as extra copies of genes can disrupt normal cellular functions. It can also cause imbalances in gene expression, potentially leading to developmental abnormalities or predisposing an organism to disease. Additionally, duplication events can introduce genetic variability within a population, which may or may not be beneficial for the organism depending on the context.

What is the relationship between divergence and amplification?

Gene duplication (or chromosomal duplication or gene amplification) is any duplication of a region of DNA that contains a gene; it may occur as an error in homologous recombination, a retrotransposition event, or duplication of an entire chromosome.