IQ typically doesnt change with age. It is 4 points above average, which is pretty smart
An IQ of 124 is a good IQ.
The average IQ is 100. It does not go by age unless say a 20 year old got 102 and a 13 year old kid got 102, well then the 13 year old kid is smarter cause a 20 year old should know more then a 13 year old
Yea! The average IQ for a 5 year old is about 100!
Yes, a score of 111 is a good IQ score for a 12 year old.
for me it is good..
An IQ score of 102 is considered average for a 20 year old. It means that you have normal intelligence when compared to other people.
100 is an average IQ for ANY age. The IQ tests are not based on age. So 102 is fine.
102 is almost average. Given the fluctuations among tests and various sources of error, it is likely that your 7 year old is average.
198 a good iq for a 10 year old
An IQ of 124 is a good IQ.
The average IQ is 100. It does not go by age unless say a 20 year old got 102 and a 13 year old kid got 102, well then the 13 year old kid is smarter cause a 20 year old should know more then a 13 year old
IQ scores are adapted for age with the average IQ for ANY age said to be 100. So it is not a score that gradually increases with age/experience/education. So an IQ of 102 is 2 points above the average, therefore being perfectly acceptable. However, it is said that all an IQ test measures is your ability to do well on an IQ test.
Yea! The average IQ for a 5 year old is about 100!
Yes, a score of 111 is a good IQ score for a 12 year old.
That's a alright score. Anything above 100 is good.I am 13 and I got 123
102 is average.
Average IQ is 100