Rounding to the nearest hundredth is more accurate.
because it is simpler and more accurate
Digital clocks will be the most accurate because its computer operated.
Because they are smaller units of measurement.
Lands and grooves aka rifling
308 Rifle can hit a target over 300 yards away. The military used them as sniper rifles and they r more accurate than a .223
More accurate than 90 percent of the people who will shoot it.
The rifle was more accurate at long range, but slower to load.
ault cooks thm xoxo after midnight ya
Purchased this rifle and am not to impressed with it's accuracy, it's no better than my .22 long rifle at 50 yards and is not accurate at all at 100 yards, i think i made a mistake buying this particular rifle. I understand that savage makes a heavier barreled .17 hmr that is likely a lot more accurate than this rifle.
ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL- yes, the bolt action is typically a more accurate rifle. However, there will be exceptions.
Depends on how you define accuracy. Mossberg makes a durable, workmanlike hunting rifle. While it would not be my first choice for a 900 meter target rifle, in a hunting situation, it is probably more accurate than the average shooter.
The soldier's RIFLE was far more accurate than any other gun he had shot, due to the grooves inside the barrel that gave fired bullets a spin.
The soldier's RIFLE was far more accurate than any other gun he had shot, due to the grooves inside the barrel that gave fired bullets a spin.
Metric units have many advantages over Imperial units but precision and accuracy are not amongst them. Precision and accuracy depends on the individual units in use. For example, A kilometre is more accurate than a mile, A furlong is more accurate than a kilometre, A metre is more accurate than a kilometre, A yard is more accurate than a metre, A foot is more accurate than a metre, An inch is more accurate than a foot, A centimetre is more accurate than an inch, A thou is more accurate than a centimetre, and so on, and on.
The rifle was accurate to a much greater range- but it also took a lot longer to reload.