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I would say no not if your grade are normally in the 80s and 90s. But a 77% is better than 60% and you still passed with a C.

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Q: Is a 77 percent a good test grade for a seventh grade Honors student?
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Is a 87 percent a good quiz grade for a seventh grade Honors student?

yes you got an okay mark for an Honor student if a mark is anywhere from 80%-90% you are still in the honor system

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The weigh of an average seventh grade student is approximately fifty kilograms.

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Homework can instill responsibility in a student in seventh grade (or any grade) or it can lead to the student being irreresponsible. It depends on whether the student actually does the homework or not. It also is an extention of what the teacher teaches at school. Doing homework helps students to learn what they are being taught.

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At most schools that would be a B-. That is not an honors grade.

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The correct usage is in Seventh Grade but to use this properly, you must out it in quotes. In "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto,............

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Its really hard to get all A's in 7th grade english.... Im in honors 7th grade and its hard for me. I would ask a teacher for extra credit. Some will give it to you, some will not.

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Typically in America algebra is learned in seventh or eighth grade. However, honors students can learn algebra in sixth or seventh grade or even earlier! Nowadays many places offer algebra classes to take outside school or even algebra camps!

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the resolution of the 7th grade is that Mr. Buller start to thinkthat when he was in colloge he was using lies to impress the girls to. for that he decided to no tell anybody that victor doesn't know anything about the french. after class told victor if he doesn't do anything maybe sometimes victor help Teresa with her french class. victor notice that he is gonna love this year.

What is the verb in a lecture must be prepared by the professor?

i think it's must be but that's an educated guess from a 10th grade English II Honors student

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The mood in seventh grade can vary depending on the individual student and their experiences. Some common moods may include excitement about new experiences, anxiety about fitting in, stress about academic expectations, and anticipation for the future.

What is the average grade of a seventh grader?

do you mean the average height, weight, age or what because usually the average grade of a seventh grader is seventh grade. what are you talking about