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A ace is bigger by one.

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Q: Is a ace bigger in war than a king?
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How do you play war?

in war you must deal out the whole deck to every player the king is the highest card in the deck (the 13) queen is (the 11) and jack is the (10) the ace is the lowest number in the deck (the 1). some people play war and think the ace is a 14 but it is no it is a 1!!...

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Did Germany have a bigger air force than England during the second world war?

yes. Luftwafe was much bigger than RAF.

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What war was Roald Dahl in?

He was in world war 2 as a fighter ace

Why was Robert E. Lee called the ace of spades?

Early in the Civil War, Robert E. Lee was called the "King of Spades."Yes he was called the "King of Spades" early in the Civil War -- not the Ace of Spades. He was called this because he liked to dig in trenches. If you're interested on this subject (or other subjects in the Civil War), I suggest you read the book Killer Angels by Michael Shaara and/or the Civil War book series by Joseph A. Altsheler (i.e. The Rock of Chickamauga, The Tree of Appomattox, etc.).

Does king beat jack in a card game of war?

Here is the order from least to greatest..... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, king, queen, ace

What do you do when you put a face card down in Egyptian war?

If you put a queen, king, or ace you get 4 tries to get another face card and if you put down a jack you get 1 try.