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Q: Is a asteroid bigger than a galaxy?
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What planet is bigger than an asteroid?

They all are bigger than an asteroid.

What is bigger than a galaxy?

Our Universe is bigger, than a galaxy.

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What is bigger a galaxy or a gaseous nebula?

A Galaxy is far bigger than a nebula.

Are any planets bigger than an asteroid?

Even the smallest planet is larger than the largest asteroid.

Is the milky way bigger than the asteroid belt?

Yes much bigger.

Are planets bigger than an asteroid?

Yes, planets would be much bigger.

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Is Andromeda galaxy bigger than a galaxy cluster?

A galaxy cluster consists of several galaxy groups, each of which in turn contains several galaxies. So no; a galaxy cluster is MUCH bigger than any individual galaxy.

Is an asteroid bigger than a universe?

No. The universe is everything that exists.

Is an asteroid bigger than earth?

No. Asteroids are much smaller than Earth.