A budget is about how to spend your money. It is not just an exercise in arithmetic. You have to know how to spend money effectively, to accomplish your objectives (whatever they may be).
Only three significant figures.
They are congruent. Figures that only have the same size or only have the same shape as each other are "similar".
Two. When multiplying or dividing the answer is rounded to the fewest significant figures in the given measurements. 0.55 has only two significant figures, so the answer can have only two significant figures.
In 25.5 the significant figures are 2,5 and 5 while in 10.09 only 1 and 9 are significant figures.
A number with only 1 significant figure can't be rounded to 3 significant figures
Budget figures may be based on actual, budgeted, or standard costs. These categories are not mutually exclusive.
Figures relating to a budget that are developed from the "bottom-up" following a participatory process are going to be the most useful.
An incremental budget is a budget that is prepared based on prior-year figures, allowing for factors such as inflation.
The Production Budget for For Your Eyes Only was $28,000,000.
The SUM function would be used to total up the figures for the budget, but other functions might be used too during the process.
The Production Budget for You Only Live Twice was $9,500,000.
Congruent figures are always similar. However, similar figures are only sometimes congruent.
145.992 using only four significant figures is 146.0
There are 10 significant figures in 8630000.000.
There is no difference between them.. Their difference only is how you understood about financial budget.. :)
0.0730 has three significant figures.
21,600 using only four significant figures is still 21,600.