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Q: Is a convex shape curves outwards?
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Does a convex mirror curve inwards or outwards?

A convex mirror curves outwards. It is thicker at the edges and thinner at the center, causing light rays to diverge when they reflect off its surface.

Why is not the shape convex?

Your question needs more information. Convex means a surface curves out, while concave means the surface curves in.

Does convex make you upside down or concave?

A convex shape curves outward like a bowl, while a concave shape curves inward like a cave. Convex shapes do not make things upside down.

Is concave a shape?

Concave is not a shape, it is the term for when two lines meet facing inwards, rather than outwards (outwards is known as convex)

How does the convex lens look like?

A convex lens curves outward, forming an elliptical shape.

What does convex mean in math terms?

it means that part of the shape is rounded outwards

What kind of lens curves out from the middle?

A convex lens curves outwards from the middle. This type of lens converges light rays towards a focal point, commonly used in magnifying glasses and cameras.

What are concave and convex slopes?

A concave slope curves inward or has a depression in the middle, resembling a bowl shape. In contrast, a convex slope curves outward, forming a mound or hill shape. Both types of slopes can be found in various natural landscapes.

What is it called when a mirror bends inwards or outwards?

Convex when it bends outwards, concave when it bends inwards

What is a Mirror that curves out in the middle?

A concave mirror curves inward in the middle, while a convex mirror curves outward in the middle.

How can you distinguish between a plane mirror concave mirror and a convex mirror by merely looking at the mirror?

A plane mirror will reflect an image without any distortion, a concave mirror will reflect an upside-down image that can be magnified or diminished depending on the object's distance, while a convex mirror will reflect a right-side-up image that appears smaller than the object. By observing how an object's reflection appears in the mirror, you can determine its type.

What is bigger concave or convex?

Convex is usually bigger than concave. In a convex shape, an imaginary line connecting any two points lies completely within the shape, making it appear more expansive. In contrast, a concave shape curves inward, often providing less surface area than a convex shape of similar dimensions.