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Q: Is a corollary a statement that can be easily proven using a theorem?
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What statement to a theorem can be proven easily using the theorem?

A corollary.

Can a theorem be proven using a corollary?

No, a corollary follows from a theorem that has been proven. Of course, a theorem can be proven using a corollary to a previous theorem.

Is a corollary a statement that can be proven using a theorem but the proof is usually difficult?


Is corollary a statement who's proof is typically more involved than a theorem?

No, in fact it is the opposite. A corollary is normally a special case of a theorem and is usually sufficiently important for it to be proven separately from the theorem. This is so that it can then be used in the future. Corollaries follow a theorem and can usually be derived from it very easily.

True or false a theroem is a statement that can be easily proved?

Neither. A theorem is a proven mathematical statement. This says nothing about how easily it can be proven. e.g. the Pythagorean Theorem is easily proven, but Fermat's Last Theorem is extremely difficult to prove.

What can be proven directly from a theorem?

A Corollary

Is corollary a statement that is typically more involved than a theorem?

From the start, yes. But once the theorem has been proven it is usually a very minor extra bit.

What type of statement must be PROVEN in geometry?

That is a theorem.A theorem.

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A statement that can be proven?


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