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Q: Is a critical point where the graph change its shape but no its increasing or decreasing behavior?
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Does the rate of change have to be negative?

no... the sign indicates whether the rate of change is increasing or decreasing. It is only negative if the rate is decreasing over time.

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What if the rate of change is a measure of how fast the function is increasing or decreasing what does the slope of a linear?

The slope of a linear function is also a measure of how fast the function is increasing or decreasing. The only difference is that the slope of a straight line remains the same throughout the domain of the line.

What three things can acceleration mean?

Increasing speed, decreasing speed, and change of direction

How can populations change?

Populations can change through birth (increasing population), death (decreasing population), immigration (increasing population), and emigration (decreasing population). Changes in these factors can result in population growth or decline over time.

What are the two ways pressure can change?

Pressure can change by altering the force applied to the surface or by changing the area over which the force is distributed. Increasing the force or decreasing the area results in higher pressure, while decreasing the force or increasing the area results in lower pressure.

What conclusion can you draw about the acceleration is it constant increasing decresing or zero?

If acceleration is constant, it means the velocity is changing at a constant rate. If acceleration is increasing, it means the velocity is increasing at an increasing rate. If acceleration is decreasing, it means the velocity is increasing at a decreasing rate. If the acceleration is zero, it means there is no change in velocity.

How can you change states of matter by increasing decreasing preassure?

higher pressure will compress the particules and lower pressure will separate them

Which of the following is an effect of increasing the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave?

Increasing the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave will decrease its frequency and energy. This change can affect how the wave interacts with matter, such as increased penetration through obstacles or reduced absorption by certain materials.

When acceleration increase does velocity increase?

No. Acceleration IS a change of velocity - any change. When velocity increases, there IS acceleration. The acceleration itself may be increasing, decreasing, or remain constant.

How does behavior change evolution?

TYhe Pokemon become stronger. Their hits become more critical.

What are two of the ways that the velocity of a car can change?

The velocity of a car can change by increasing its speed, such as accelerating when pressing the gas pedal, or by decreasing its speed, such as decelerating when applying the brakes.