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Q: Is a crown potteries co plate marked 453 collectible?
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Is a crown potteries co plate marked with 349 a collectible?

It is an antique plate for being over 100 years

Is a crown potteries co plate a collectible?

Yes these plates are highly collectable if they are in mint shape to buyers in the Midwest

Is your silverware marked community plate real silver?

The word "plate" is the answer. Community Plate is silver plated and has no silver value but many of the patterns have a collectible value. There is a link in the related links with a list of some of the more popuular Community patterns with links to replacement values.

Could you tell me the price of a collectible plate entitled Nativity of Love?


What is the value of a wm rogers plate marked 171?

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What was the Number plate of crown prince Ferdinands car?

The number plate of Crown Prince Ferdinand's car was "A III 118." There are many conspiracies saying that this plate represented the day he was to be assassinated. It is claimed that it was an abbreviation of "Armistice 11-11-18."

What is the value of gwtw collectible plate by Kursar Scarlett and Rhett the Finale?

List Price $50.00. But 33 is average

What is the value of a 1987 Hamilton collection golden classics collection plate?

I can't tell you the value of your plate, but I can tell you how to find out. Plates like the Hamilton collector plates are sold on the secondary collectible market. The collectible market is a little like the stock market because the prices of items go up and down. Each year a books are put out with the values of collectibles from dolls to china. There is a book for collectible plates and the books are broken down into brands like Hamilton with a listing for the plates according to the name of the plates. The listings give the current market value at the time of printing of each item. The value of a plate or collectible can change depending on several factors. The major factors that effect price are the number of the item, if the original box is with the plate/collectible and if all the papers that came with the plate/collectible are still with the item. The price goes down without the proper box or papers. Also how much the plate/collectible is wanted by buyers is another factor. If it is considered a rare item the price goes up. One way to do a fast check on collectibles is go on eBay and look for items for sale like yours. This will give you an idea if people want it and how much they are willing to pay.

What is the value of the collectible plate series of Field Puppies by Lynn Kaatz?

Anywhere from 30 - 45 dollars depending on which one it is.

How do you preserve a collectible football?

you just put it on a plate or something neer a windwo and keep watering it it grows aswell

What maker's mark has a crown only?

I too would like to know. I have a plate with just a crown stamp on the back. I have no idea who the maker is and would love to find out.

How much is the Star Trek plate with scotty on it worth?

A collectible Star Trek plate can cost any price. The price depends on the person selling it. Therefore the price can not be pinpointed to an exact price number.