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Q: Is a cylinder a plane shape or a solid shape?
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Is a square a plane shape or a solid shape?

it is a plane shape because you said its a square

Is a sphere a plane shape or a solid shape?

plane shape

Is a rectangle a plane or solid shape?

A plane shape.

Is a hexagon a plane shape or solid?

A hexagon is a 6-sided plane shape (polygon). A hexahedron is a 6 -sided solid shape.

What is the difference between plane shape and solid shape?

A solid is more like a pyramid or a cone. and a plane is more like a square or plane shapes like that. The answer is in the shapes.

Describe the cross-sections that are formed when a cylinder is intersected by a plane?

In Geometry, cross-section is the shape made when a solid is cut through by a plane. The cross section of a circular cylinder is a circle. * * * * * There are also cross-sections that are ellipses or rectangles.

What plane shape that can be made by tracing one of the 2 faces of a certain solid shape?

A circle comes to mind as the face of a right cylinder (which has 2 faces). The curved side is not considered a face.

What solid shape has three surfaces?

A cylinder

What solid shape matches a can of tuna?


What is a circles solid called?

A solid in the shape of a circle is called a cylinder.

What is the intersection of a solid and a plane parallel to the base or bases of the solid?

It is a horizontal cross-section. Its shape will depend on the shape of the solid and its orientation.

What is the difference between a two dimensional shape and a solid shape?

the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.