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Wrong. It's 2x the radius.

The circumference is 2 x radius x Pi
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8mo ago

No, the diameter of a circle is two times the length of its radius. So, to find the diameter, you would multiply the radius by 2, not π.

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Q: Is a diameter the length of the radius multiplied by pi?
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What is the equation for determining radius of a circle if you have the circumference?

Circumference = Diameter multiplied by Pi Diameter = Circumference divided by pi Radius = Diameter divided by 2.

How can you estimate the length around a circle when youknow the length of the radius or diameter?

2*radius*pi or diameter*pi, pi = 3.14 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Why is pi used to find the circumference of a a circle?

Because the circumference is equal to the diameter multiplied by pi or the radius multiplied by 2*pi.

What is the circumference of a circle that has a radius of 3.9?

24.492, unless you want more digits of pi besides the standard 3.14. The circumference of a circle is equal to the diameter multiplied by pi, or the radius multiplied by two, then multiplied by pi. c = d*pi c = 2*r*pi c = circumference d = diameter r = radius pi = 3.141593

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Formula for area: A = Pi*R² (Pi = 3,1416 and R² is the radius multiplied by itself) Formula for circumference: C + Pi*D (D is diameter) Formula for Diameter: D = 2*R (radius multiplied by 2))

Why do you multiply by pi to find the area of a circle?

You multipy the diameter, which is hte radius multiplied by two. The radius is hte length of the circle from the middle most point to the outer rim.

Pi is the ratio of a circles circumfrance to its what?

diameter ------------- Diameter. The R (radius) of a circle multiplied by two equals the diameter.

find the length of the radius the circumference and the area of the circle the center is 20 feet use 3.14 for pi?

radius = diameter/2 circumference = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter area = pi*radius2

How do you find the circomfrence of a circle?

The equation for the circumference of a circle is 2 multiplied by 3.14 (pi) multiplied by the radius. Since the radius is half of the diameter, it can also be calculated by multiplying the diameter by 3.14.

What is diameter if circumference was 37.68 inches?

11.994 inches Circumference is 2 x pi x radius, so I know that 37.68 = 2piR Since 2 and pi are constants, I divide both sides by 2, and then by pi. This gives me R all by itself on one side, and the length of the radius on the other side. The radius was 5.997, or about six. Since the radius is half the diameter, I then multiplied the length of the radius by two. This gave me 11.994, or about 12 inches

What is the diameter of a circle if the circumference is 7?

divide dy pi. the rule is diiameter (or 2 radius) multiplied by pi equals circumference so: 2 pi x radius= circ and, since diameter is 2 times the radius, pi x D= circ

How do you find length and width given the circumference?

If you mean the diameter and radius of a circle given the circumference it is:- diameter = circumference/pi radius = circumference/(2*pi)