a straight line is mainly x2 a curved line is mainly x3
A triangle has to have straight sides
If it is not straight, then it is not a line.
This is a segment of a circle.The straight line is a chord.The curved line is an arc.
A compass saw is used to make curved cuts
A hacksaw is meant to cut metal. -The other 2 mentioned, compass saw and dovetail saw are both for woodwork.
A synonym for straight is unbent.
Well, I only know a little bit of it- A <fun fact> they saw the parthenon was curved and so they made curved pillars to even it out and look straight
Humans have a straight curved spine when most animals have a C curved spine.
To cut very accurate, fine slots, known as 'dovetails'.
To cut very accurate, fine slots, known as 'dovetails'.
It is designed to easily cut curves. Whether it cuts in straight or curved lines depends how good the user is: a good user will be able to use it to cut straight lines, but a not-so good user will tend to "wobble" and so cut lots of little curves when trying to cut in a straight line.
Straight, curved are hard on your back.
Any kind of curved cut and even straight cuts with an edge bar or fence