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No.It is more eclipse(oval) shaped.

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Q: Is a football a sphere
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What is the shape of a football in 3D not the name football?


Is a sphere a ball Or is a ball a sphere?

A ball has the shape known in mathematics as a sphere. (Unless it's an American football.)

What is the proper name for the shape of a football?


What is the geometric shape football?

it is an oval

What 3-d shape is a football?

A basketball is in a spherical shape.

Is a football round?

actually a foot ball is not round it is a big sphere

What are the differences between a football and a baseball?

A football is oval-shaped while a baseball is like a sphere and has a different design

How is a football oval?

The shape of the US football, Australian football, and Rugby football are oblong, with the US football tapered as well, being much longer in one dimension. The shape of a soccer football is not actually a ball (sphere), but an icosidodecahedron having 20 hexagonal panels and 12 pentagonal panels, which allows the ball to roll like a sphere but be more accurately controlled.

What is the shape of football?

An American football, a Rugby football and an Aussie rules ball are all prolate spheroids (pointed ovals). A soccer ball is a sphere.

What is the shape of a football?

An American football, a rugby football and an Aussie rules ball are all prolate spheroids (pointed ovals). A soccer ball is a sphere.

Explain why the shape of a football is not a polygon?

It has a curved surface.

What is the mathematical term for the shape of a football?

Rugby/American Football - Prolate Spheroid Association Football - Sphere Old style World Cup ball - Truncated Icosahedron