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Q: Is a gazillion more than a billionaire?
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Which is the most billionaire or trillionaire?

A trillionaire has more money than a billionaire.

Is a gazillion more than a billion?

It possibly is. A gazillion isn't a real number like billion. A gazillion is just an indefinitely large number. So basically yes it is.

Who has more money a mutimillionaire or a billionaire?

A billionaire has 1000 times more money than a millionaire.

Are Lesbian Relationships Better?

It depends on what you compare them to. For example, they are better than broccoli, but worse than a gazillion dollars (actually, many are equal to a gazillion dollars).

Which Indian billionaire give away more than Rs8000 crore for education?

mukesh ambani

How do you use the word billionaire in a sentence?

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are two extremely successful billionaires. Billionaire just refers to someone that has more than a billion dollars.

Is there any number that is more than infinity?

its gazillion gatrillion gajillion frezintillion and the maniest of all frejintilion cause googol and googleplex was lower than infinity

How can I become billionaire?

Check here for more rules for becoming billionaire on onlineacademy

What is five plus gazillion?

five gazillion

Who is a billionaire?

Bill and Melinda Gates. Carlos Slim Helu. There are more than one thousand billionaires worldwide.

Do you carry gazillion jumbubbler bubbles for machine?

Yes. The Gazillion Jumbubbler should be used with the One and Only Gazillion Bubble Solution.

What is more than a zillion?

Zillion Is A Fictional Number Like Gazillion, Jillion. It’s Used For Very Big Things.