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Q: Is a googleplex the highest number in the numeric system?
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Highest valid digit in the octal number system?

Highest number is 7

What number does VI stand for?

In the Roman Numeric system, each letter has a numeric value. For example, I = 1, and V = 5. Therefore, VI is equal to 6. The other numeric values in the roman system are: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000

What was the mathematical symbol credited to the Mayan culture?

The number zero was credited to the mayans. Below is a table showing the Mayan numeric system.

Is 0 used in the roman numeric system?


What is the highest single number in the world?

The highest single number in the decimal system is 9. The highest single number would vary depending on what base you are using, for instance the highest single number in the binary system is 1. The is no 'highest' number. There is a concecept call infinity but that is not really a number but a mathematical tool. There is no such thing. Anything number that you can think of you can always add one more to it. Some people might say infinity is the highest single number, but infinity is a concept not a number. Look at some of the other answers on here related to infinity for more details.

What base did the egyptian number system use?

The ancient Egyptian numeric system did not operate on a "base" system such as we use today; it is true that the system used units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and so on, but each of these numeric values was represented by completely differentnumerals.So in our own system the number 538 is not the same as 835, but in the Egyptian system it could be identical - because it was written with the signs for 5x100, 3x10 and 8x1 and it would mean the same if written in reverse (8 units, 3 tens and 5 hundreds).This explains why no zero was required - simply leaving out one kind of numeric sign meant the absence of that particular value.

What is a numeric system that is based on increments of ten?


What is the Roman Numeral for 2015?

In the Roman Numeric system, each letter has a numeric value. For example, I = 1, and V = 5.The other numeric values in the roman system are:I = 1V = 5X = 10L = 50C = 100D = 500M = 1000Using this system, we can see that 2015 would be MMXV.

What is the purpose of a pin code?

A PIN is a secret numeric password shared between a user and a system. This numeric password is used to authenticate the user to the system so they can gain access.

What is the Lincoln Nebraska license plate number?

three letters (or County #2 if people choose to use the old (prior to 2002) numeric system)