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Yes, by negative one-quarter

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Q: Is a half larger than three quarters?
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Is 3 quarters bigger than an half?

three quarters it one quarter or a fourth larger than one half

When is one half of something larger than three quarters of something else?

When you cut a car in half, and then take three-fourths of a piece of bread.

What is greater three fourths or one half?

Three fourths is three quarters One half is two quarters. Three quarters is greater than two quarters.

Is seven eighths more than one half and less than three quarters?

No. Seven eighths is more than one half AND three quarters.

What 100 times larger than three quarters?


Is 3 quarter larger then 5 eights?

Yes, three quarters is larger than five eights because three quarters is equivalent to six eighths.

Is more than a third equal to more than three quarters?

Not at all. One half is more than a third but less than three quarters.

Is five sixths larger than three quarters?

Yes 5/6 is larger than 3/4

Is three quarters bigger or smaller than one half?

five-eights is one-eigtht larger than one-half...which, after converting to a common denominator, is four-eights.

Is one half greater than seventy five hundredths?

no it is not. if you think about it an quarters, 1/2 is 50/100 , two quarters and seventy five hundredths is 75/100 three quarters , so seventy five hundredths is larger

Is three quarters greater than a half?

yes, three quarters = 3/4 and a half = 1/2 which is also equivalent to 2/4 3 is bigger than 2, so there u go : )

How do you calculate three quarters?

half it, than half it again, then add the first half and the second half you made together.