0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
52ounces is bigger than
A millenium is bigger than century
Billion is bigger than million
0.015 is bigger than 0.0069
A kilobite has 1000 bytes.A megabyte has1000 kilobytes.A gigabyte has 1000 megabytes.A terabyte has 1000 gigabytes.
1 kilobyte = 1,024 bytes = 8,192 bits
"Lifesize communication rates are between four and one thousand kilobites per second. The higher the kilobite, the more expensive amount you pay and the lower the kilobite, the lower you pay. If that makes sense."
Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.
9km is bigger than 8500m which equals 8.5km
The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
No. 0.909 is bigger than 0.9
Yes USA is bigger than Australia, the 48 states are slightly bigger but with Alaska it is alot bigger.
933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.933 MB is bigger than 1.24 MB.
London Is Bigger
7.9 is great (bigger) than 7.17.