0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
52ounces is bigger than
A millenium is bigger than century
Billion is bigger than million
0.015 is bigger than 0.0069
they can probably be eaten by a bigger dinosaur than them
It depends what dinosaur and what type of tree
Of course not. It is a dinosaur.
The blue whale!
bigger than an elephant smaller than a ant and bigger than a dinosaur
No. Deinosuchus was an crocodilian, not a dinosaur. Dinosaurs far bigger than deinosuchus are known.
T.rex is the only dinosaur that was bigger than a blue whale
A dinosaur.
Yes, because a Mammoth is bigger than one. Mastodons are about the same size as Mammoths.
a member of the mammoth species a giant furry elephant that migrated from Europe to North America a planteater a mammal bigger than the elaphant to day
a lot of dinosaurs, especially sauropods