For measuring computer storage (memory), both gigabyte and terabyte are larger. See related link for more prefixes. Note that there has been some confusion with using the 'metric' prefixes with memory. Originally, a kilobyte was 1024 bytes (not 1000), and a megabyte was (1024 x 1024 = 1048,576 bytes)
"k" or "kb"means Kilobytes,a type of unit to measure how much memory is held,used,treated,or deleted. 1024 Kilobytes, in binary measurement, is equal to one megabyte (Mb).
Gigabytes are a unit of storage, not a unit of rate. 10 GB per month = 14.2 MB per hour
No, a pencil is not a unit of measurement.
Almost 1 Megabyte. 1 Megabyte is a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity, equal to 1,048,576 (220) bytes.
Convert everything to the same unit, the divide. Please note that 1 GB = 1024 MB, and 1 MB = 1024 KB.
No, a byte is the smallest unit of measurement in computing. A megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes.
MB stands for megabyte and is a unit of measurement for digital storage capacity, while GHz stands for gigahertz and is a unit of measurement for processor speed. MB measures the amount of data that can be stored, while GHz measures the speed at which a processor can execute instructions.
* Gigabyte (GB) is the largest unit. * Megabyte (MB) is the next largest. * Kilobyte (KB) is the third largest in your list.
Bits are the smallest unit of measurement of computer data. 8 bits (b) = 1 byte(B). 1024 bytes(B) = 1 kilobyte (kB). 1024 kB = 1 megabyte (MB) etc..
Barometric pressure is usually measured in inches of mercury, millibars (mb), or hectoPascals (hP).
1000 KB = 1 MB, 1000 MB = 1 GB, 1000 GB = 1 TB The answer is Terabyte.
A gigabyte is a unit of measurement used in computers and mp3 players to get rid of a gigabyte you must remove a gigabyte of data. By deleting.
Neither is bigger, they are different units of measurement.Gigabyte (GB) is a unit of measurement for computer memory, equal to 1024 megabytes (MB).Gigahertz (GHz) is a unit of measurement for frequency, 1 Gigahertz is equal to 1billion cycles per second.Asking which is bigger is similar to asking whether a meter is bigger than a second.
bit byte kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte petabyte exabyte zettabyte yottabyte heileybyte
The standard measurement units that are used online and on your family's computer are gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes and bytes. Largest Larger Large Basic Unit Gigabyte (GB) Megabyte (MB) Kilobyte (KB) Byte Exact Conversion 1,024 Byte = 1 Kilobyte (KB) 1,024 Kilobyte (KB) = 1 Megabyte (MB) 1,073,741,824 Bytes = 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,024 Megabyte (MB)
well of course its the gigabyte 1gb(or gigabyte) is 1000mb (megabytes) 1mb is 1million kilobytes