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Anything that is negative is less than 0. That's the meaning of negative.

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Q: Is a negative fraction greater than 0?
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What has a numerator greater than it denominator?

It can be a fraction less than -1 (num negative, den positive), or greater than or equal to 0 (both negative or both positive).

Why negative a is greater than zero?

Negative a is greater than, equal to or less than 0 depending on whether a, itself, is less than, equal to or greater than 0.

Is negative 8 greater than 0?

0 is in the exact middle of the number line. All positive numbers are to the right of 0 (greater than 0) and all negative numbers are to the left of 0 (less than 0). So no, -8 is not greater than 0.

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0.07 is greater than -7 because anything below 0 is negative while 0.07 is actually greater than 0

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no, as -8 is a negative meaning its below 0

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No. Negative numbers are less than 0.

Which is greater negitative -4 or 0?

0 is a greater number than any negative number.

Is zero greater than negative one equal?

Not sure what the "equal" on the end is for but zero is greater than negative one. -1<0 0>-1 -1<0<1

If a fraction is greater than what do you know its reciprocal?

If a fraction is greater than a positive number x, then its reciprocal is between 0 and 1/x.

How do you find the absolute value of an improper fraction?

If the improper fraction is greter than 0 it is the value of the improper fraction and if the improper fraction is less than 0, it is the negative of the value of the fraction.