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Either. Whether a particular number is open or closed depends on the set in question, not the specific number.

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Q: Is a negative number open or closed on a number line?
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What does a closed a circle in a number line mean?

A Closed Circle means that that number is INCLUDED in the line of numbers. An OPEN circle means the line of numbers go up to the given number , BUT does NOT include the given number.

What is the difference of an Open and closed circle number line?

With an open circle, the number at which the circle is is NOT included in the dataset; with a closed circle it is. For example if a line is drawn on the number line between 0.5 and 1.5 with a closed circle at 0.5 and an open circle at 1.5, then it represents the numbers between 0.5 and 1.5 including 0.5 but excluding 1.5; this range is the numbers which round to 1 to the nearest whole number.

Is the water line open or closed when the ball valve handle is in line with the pipe?

When the handle is in line with the pipe, the valve is open.

What shows the number on the number line is not a member of the solution set?

open circle menas it is not part of the solution set and closed circle means that it is part of the solution

What is a shape called when is not closed in?

It's a "LINE" or a "CURVE"

Between 1 and 3include 1 and 3?

If you are referring to a number line: If it is between 1 and 3, then no you would not include 1 and 3... If the notation is [1,3] then 1 and 3 are included (both 1&3 would be closed circles on the # line) If the notation is (1,3) then 1 and 3 aren't included (1 & 3 would be open circles on the number line) If the notation is [1,3) 1 is included 3 is not (1 is a closed circle, 3 is an open circle on # line) If the notation is (1,3] 1 is not included, 3 is included (1 is open circle, 3 is closed circle on the # line)

What is the difference between an open circle and a close circle on a number line?

an open circle on a number line means the answer is just less than or greater than (< or >), but a closed circle means the answer is less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to (< or > with a line under it)

Where did it draw the line between open and closed to slavery?

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What are closed line segment figures called?

sides - once a line segment is closed its a side ___ l l l____l if u closed thos two segments - ( the open lines) they become sides like the closed ones

How do you graph x is greater than negative four?

We assume you are graphing on a number line, not an x-y plane. Draw an "open" circle (not filled in) at -4, and a line from it across to the right end of the number line. Put an arrow on the end of the line to show that the graph continues to the right.

Which do you use an open circle or closed cirle for graphing inequalities?

A closed circle is when a range of numbers also includes that number and an open circle is when a range of numbers doesn't include that number, :)

Where did it draw the line between territories open and closed to slavery?

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