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No. There are numbers that are beyond real numbers, such as complex numbers which are neither rational nor irrational.

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Q: Is a number either a rational or an irrational?
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Can 5.85 be a irrational?

A rational number cannot also be irrational. A real number is either rational, or it is irrational.

Is a positive number a rational or irrational number?

Positive numbers can be either rational or irrational.

What is a rational number number which is not a rational number?

There is no such thing as a number that is both rational and irrational. By definition, every number is either rational or irrational.

Is three an irrational number rational number both rational and irrational or neither rational or irrational?

Integers are rational. In the set of real numbers, every number is either rational or irrational; a number can't be both or neither.

A number exists that is both a rational and irrational?

No. Irrational means "not rational". A number either is rational, or it is not rational - tercium non datur.

What is the Next to rational and irrational number?

Next to any rational number is an irrational number, but next to an irrational number can be either a rational number or an irrational number, but it is infinitely more likely to be an irrational number (as between any two rational numbers are an infinity of irrational numbers).

Can a number be a member of the set of rational numbers in the set of irrational numbers?

No, a number is either rational or irrational

Is 5.4 an irrational or rational number?

5.4 = 5 2/5 = 27/5 so it is a rational number.

What is the product of a rational and irrational number?

It is usually irrational but it can be rational if the ration number in the pair is zero. So the correct answer is "either".

Can rational numbers be irrational numbers?

No, they are two separate groups of numbers. A number is either rational or irrational, never both.

Is a number either rational or irrational but not both?

Yes. A number can be either rational or irrational, but never both; otherwise there would be an inherent contradiction.

Is the square of a number irrational Always sometimes never?

The square of a rational number can be either rational or irrational. However, the square of an irrational number is always irrational.