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Q: Is a number is a whole number then it cannot be irrationalnaturalinteger or a rational number?
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you mean as a rational number?..if rational: 9/100..and i believe it cannot be made whole..

What Whole number is a subset of rational numbers?

A whole number is not a set of any kind and so cannot be a subset of rational numbers.

Can you give me a whole number that is not a rational number?

No, all whole numbers are rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

-543 rational or irrational?

-543 is rational. It is a whole number so it cannot be irrational.

What is the difference from rational numbers and a number?

A rational number can be written as (one whole number) divided by (another whole number). An irrational number can't.

Is 2 a rational number or irrational?

It is rational. It is a whole number so it cannot be irrational.

Can a rational number be an irrational?

Rational numbers and irrational numbers are two completely different groups. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction of whole integers. An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction of whole integers. So a number is either rational or irrational.

What is the whole number of one fifth?

One fifth is a rational fraction. It is not a whole number and cannot be made into one.

What number can be a rational number?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction. All natural and whole numbers are rational.

What is a whole number for 11 over 3?

11/3 is a rational fraction. It is not a whole number and cannot be made into one.

A whole number that is not an rational number?

Every whole number is rational.

A natural number is a rational number?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction. All natural and whole numbers are rational.