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No it is longer than a Flute. Just by a couple of inches.

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Q: Is a oboe the same length as a flute?
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How wide is the oboe?

about the width of a flute, a little wider. it is skinnier than the clarinet. same length though

How tall is an oboe?

the oboe is 30 inches i think

What instruments are related to the Oboe?

oboe sounds like the oboe, the clarinet sounds somewhat like it, but its not the same.

Why does the flute sound different from the oboe?

the flute is a higher pitch than the oboe

Which is bigger clarinet or a flute?

Yes, unless it's a student size bassoon compaired with a bass-oboe

What is the difference between a flute and a oboe?

The flute is longer than a oboe and an oboe has a double reed and a flute does not have a reed. The flute has a cylindrical bore while the oboe has a conical bore. The fingerings are definitely comparable, but not the same. The oboe has a range from Bb below the treble clef to Ab twice above the treble clef, while the flute has a huge range from C below the treble clef to D twice above the treble clef.

Did the flute preceed the modern oboe?


Which takes more air flute or oboe?

Flute technically takes more air to make a sound, but you can play longer on oboe with the same amount of air if you are experienced. With flute, you expel all your air, but with oboe you don't; you only expel a portion before the "used" air that hasn't been expelled forces you to exhale and inhale, only to repeat the process repeatedly throughout the song

What is the second highest woodwind instrument?

im pretty sure its the flute im pretty sure its the flute

You want a completely biased opinion - is flute or oboe better?

FLUTE!!! definately.

Can an oboe play flute music?

No. I play flute in a band that has an oboe, too, and they are two completely different instruments. You hold the flute sideways and blow into a lip hole and with the oboe you hold it down and blow on a double reed.

Clarinet piccolo oboe french horn flute highest pitch?

Piccalo (by far) is the highest. Next comes: flute, oboe, clarinet, french horn.