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yes, but there are other shapes too.

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Q: Is a parallelagram a rectangle
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Is a rectangle a parallelagram?


Can a rectangle be a parallelagram?


Can a rectangle also be a parallelagram?


What has parallel opposite sides but not a rectangle?


Is it true that a rectangle is a parallelagram?

Yes , yes it is true :)

What is a parallelagram with four 90 angles?

A rectangle or a square.

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelagram have?

A parallelagram can be a square, which has four lines of symmetry or a rectangle which has two lines of symmetry but the generic parallelagram has zero lines of symmetry

Can every parallelagram be a rectangle?

Some of them are, but not all of them. A parallelogramis a rectangle only if all of its angles are equal.

Is a sqaure a parallelagram?

Yes it is. A square is a quadrilateral, a parallelogram, a rhombus, and a rectangle.

What do you call a shape that has 4 sides?

A square a rectangle and a parallelagram or quadrilateral

What is a 4 sided closed figure is called?

parallelagram: or it can be a sguare or rectangle or trapizoid

What four sided shape has two parrellel lines?

square,rectangle,rhombus, and parallelagram