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A rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram is not necessarily a rectangle. This is because a parallelogram can be so many other things, like a rhombus or a square.

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Q: Is a parallelogram a rectangle also?
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Is every parallelogram is also a rectangle?

No. Most parallelograms are not rectangles. But every rectangle is a parallelogram.

Why can a rectangle be a rhombus?

A rectangle is a four-sided shape, a parallelogram. Since a rhombus is a parallelogram then it is also a rectangle in a sense. Along with a square, it is a type of rectangle.

What condition would a parallelogram also be a rectangle?

A rectangle is a parallelogram where all internal angles are equal at 90°

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How does a parallelogram relate to a rectangle?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rectangle. A rectangle needs all 90 degree angles but a parallelogram dosnt.

What are other names for a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is also a square, rhombus, and rectangle.

When can a parallelogram be a rectangle?

When all 4 corners are right angles. A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. A rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides; therefore a rectangle is a parallelogram. A rectangle also has four 90° angles; a parallelogram does not necessarily have four 90° angles, therefore a parallelogram may, or may not, be a rectangle.

How is a parallelogram and a rectangle the same?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram need not be a rectangle and so they are not the same.

What kind of quadrilateral is a rectangle?

A rectangle is a type of quadrilateral, and it also is a parallelogram.

What does a rectangle need to be a parallelogram?

All rectangles are also parallelograms. A parallelogram needs four 90-degree angles to be a rectangle

How is a rectangle a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is defined as a two-dimensional figure with two pairs of parallel sides. Since a rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides, it is also a parallelogram. A rectangle differs from a parallelogram in that it always has four equal angles.

Can every rectangle be a parallelogram?

Well, a rectangle is defined as having two sets of parallel sides and four right angles, a parallelogram is defined as having two sets of parallel sides and two sets of supplementary angles. Therefor, a rectangle is always, by definition, a parallelogram. A parallelogram is not always a rectangle, but it can be.