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Q: Is a parallelogram cannot be a cross section of a triangular prism true?
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What is a 2d triangular prisim?

You cannot have a 2d prism. The 2d cross section will depend on the plane of the cross section.

What shape does a triangular prism have that a recutangular prism does not havee?

A triangular prism has a triangular cross-section. A rectangular prism has a rectangular cross-section.

What is the cross section of a triangular pyramid?


Can a paraellgram be a cross section of a triangular prism?

Yes, it can.

What polygon makes a triangular prism?

A triangle forms the cross-section of a triangular prism.

Is a three-dimensional figure with no triangular faces have a cross section that is a triangle?

Yes. A cuboid, for example, has triangular cross sections

What solid has a triangular cross section when the cross section is taken perpendicular to the base?

A solid with a triangular cross section when the cross section is taken parallel to the base could be either a triangular prism, a triangular pyramid, or a triangular frustrum.. I've been sitting here trying to convince myself (without actually bearing down and trying to prove it mathematically) that any cross section of a regular tetrahedron (a special case of triangular pyramid) taken perpendicularly to the base is a triangle, and I THINK this is the case, but as I said I certainly haven't rigorously proven it; I'm just unable to come up with any obvious situation where this is not true.

How Do you make a cross section of a parallelogram from a pyramid?

It depends on the pyramid. If it is a square based pyramid, a horizontal plane will give a square cross section, a plane inclined by a rotation parallel to one of the base axes will give a rectangular cross section whereas a plane inclined by rotation along both basal axes will result in a parallelogram cross section. Not sure how you get a parallelogram from a pentagonal or hexagonal (etc) pyramid.

What shape is the cross section drawn through the prism?

Answer 1A triangle. Answer 2For a triangular prism, the cross section is a triangle.

Do the vertical cross sectional shapes of a triangular prism have all congruent triangles?

Yes the triangular cross-section area is congruent throughput the prism.

What 2-D shape will you see in the cross section?

triangular prism

How do you get the volume of parallelopiped?

Volume of a parallelogram = cross-section area times length