No it is not.
A polygon is an enclosed plane area whose boundaries comprise straight lines. A peace sign is a set of 4 areas, not just one. Also, it contains a curved boundary.
Yes. An octagon is a polygon.
An interstate sign could be classified by polygon if allowed, since it has more than 3 sides, but since they are not equal, an interstate sign is technically not a polygon. If you ask an expert this same question, they would probably say "no". Hope this helps.
An eight-sided polygon, like a stop sign is an octagon.
by making stop sign
Yes. An octagon is a polygon.
An interstate sign could be classified by polygon if allowed, since it has more than 3 sides, but since they are not equal, an interstate sign is technically not a polygon. If you ask an expert this same question, they would probably say "no". Hope this helps.
An eight-sided polygon, like a stop sign is an octagon.
by making stop sign
World Peace Sign day is 24.05
Yes. For Some reason it stands for Northside.
A polygon with 5 or more sides can be a stop sign it has 8 sides.
polygon or stop sign