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A plane is 2-dimensional, and has infinite extent in any direction.

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Q: Is a plane one dimensional and has infinite lenght?
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What is one dimensional and has infinite length?

A line is one dimensional and can have infinite length.

Why plane is one of the terms of geometry?

The plane that geometry refers to is not an airplane. A plane is a two-dimensional group of points that goes on infinitely in all directions; made up of infinite line. For example, a rectangle is a plane.

One-dimensional and have infinite length?


Which one-dimensional have infinite length?

A line.

What are one dimensional and have infinite length?

A straight line

What is the flat plane postulate?

The flat plane Postulate, shows another way that one dimensional object relate to the two-dimensional plane.

What is 1 dimensional in a x y graph?

either the x plane or the y plane by themselves is one dimensional. Also any intersection of the x and y planes as described as sets or by an equation are one dimensional. In order to become three dimensional an intersecting plane, such a "z" plane would have to be added.

What are one-dimensional and have infinite length?

Line and Ray APEX

What is a three dimensional figure that has faces with more than one dimensional figure?

All three dimensional figures have more faces than a one dimensional figure. There are an infinite number of one dimensional points on a three dimensional figure

What three things are represented by a plane?

A plane is the two-dimensional analogue of a point (zero dimensions), a line (one dimension) and three-dimensional space.

What is a semi-infinite medium?

One-dimensional example: A semi-infinite medium is a medium that extends to infinity in one direction but has an end in the other direction

Points all in one plane?

Two dimensional geometry.