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Q: Is a pop can longer than a decimeter or shorter?
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What fizzes longer diet or regular pop?

diet pop fizzes longer than regular pop(proved by experiment)

Ia zero skateboard better than an element skateboard?

Element decks in my personal opinion have more pop than zero decks, but zeros last longer. I prefer element. Element decks in my personal opinion have more pop than zero decks, but zeros last longer. I prefer element.

Why does the nose of a skatebaord have a bigger dip?

cuz the tail have more pop that why it shorter

Is a larger or smaller skateboard better for doing an Ollie?

This depends. If you have longer legs that can stretch farther, then you want a long skateboard to get more power from your feet. If you have short legs, then you want a short board for more pop with shorter stretch.

Why are rock songs longer than pop songs?

because rock songs follow the making of a book, theres the beginning, middle, climax, then drops and then the end. Were pop songs are more like a poem

Do ice cubes float longer in flat pop or carbonated pop?

Ice cubes will float longer in flat pop compared to carbonated pop. Carbonation creates bubbles, which attach to the surface of the ice cube and cause it to rise to the top more quickly. With flat pop, there are fewer bubbles to lift the ice cube, so it will remain submerged for a longer period.

Which will take longer to melt the tootsie pop or blow pop?

Blow pop !! They use a stonger gelatin to keep the gum soft

Who invented the first pop up book?

no-one actually knows who created the first pop up book although waldo hunt apparently re popularised them giving him credit for 'creating' them but evidence proves that pop up books were around a lot longer than waldo was.

What is pop jazz?

Pop is just what is popular by the general audience. Jazz used to be "pop music" in the 1930's to the 1960's, but these days has lost its popularity and is no longer "pop music"

How does air temperature affect soap bubbles and how long they last?

Soap bubbles are more stable and last longer in cooler air temperatures because colder air is denser and slows down the evaporation process. Warmer temperatures speed up the evaporation of the water in soap bubbles, causing them to pop more quickly. Humidity levels also play a role in how long soap bubbles last, with lower humidity levels leading to faster evaporation and shorter bubble lifespan.

Does a pop can stay cooler longer when aluminum foil is wrapped around it?

Aluminum foil does not keep a soda pop cooler for longer periods of time since aluminum is not an insulator. Foam can wrappers do insulate and keep soda cooler for longer periods of time.

What is the difference between a cubic decimeter and a liter?

Nothing. (That was the quick answer.) A cubic decimeter means 1dm *1dm *1dm = 1dm3 Since a decimeter is 10cm (one tenth of a meter), a cubic decimeter = 10cm*10cm*10cm = 1000cm3 1000cm3 = 1 Litre by definition. (Litre is named for a person, therefore it is capitalized) Some people think of these units as 3-D cubes, but you can also think of them as about three cans of pop, or a particular size of a milk jug. (About one quart if you're American.) (Imagine a Litre in any shape you want.)