41 is a prime number. A whole number (integer) greater than one is called a "prime number" if it has no positive divisors/factors other than itself and one.
Any number greater than one can be co-prime.
yes , 11
Because it s a prime number (it can only be divided by the number one and itself) and it has an absolute value larger than the number 5 (which is also a prime number).
A composite number.
The definition of a prime number is an integer, greater than one, that is divisible only by one and itself.
Any integer greater than one can be co-prime.
A composite number.
A prime number !
41 is a prime number. A whole number (integer) greater than one is called a "prime number" if it has no positive divisors/factors other than itself and one.
A whole number (integer) greater than one is called a "prime number" if it has no positive divisors other than itself and one. Three is one of those numbers.
A whole number (integer) greater than one is called a "prime number" if it has no positive divisors other than itself and one. 19 is one of those numbers.
Prime Number.
Any number greater than one can be co-prime.