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A rectangular solid is a polygon, as it is a four-sided, six face object. In two dimensions, it will remain a polygon with intersecting lines at the interior, with no line exceeding the boudary of the edge of the object from any point of view.

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Q: Is a rectangular solid a polygon?
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What is a solid figure with a polygon and three or more faces that are triangles?

a rectangular pyramid and a square pyramid

What is a solid rectangle called?

In geometry, a rectangular solid is called a rectangular solid. A cube is a rectangular solid that happens to have all surfaces equal.

How many edges in a rectangular solid?

If a rectangular solid is a cuboid, the answer is 12.

Is a rectangular prism a polygon?

no. the definition of polygon is two dimentional and a prism is three dimentional

What is a solid with a polygon for each face?

A solid with a regular polygon for each face is known as a perfect solid.

A rectangular polygon what is that?

any shape with four sides.

What is solid that bounded by polygon?

A solid cannot be bounded by one polygon. A solid bounded by polygons is called a polyhedron.

How do you use the word rectangular solid in a sentence?

Write a sentence that will make the reader understand the definition of a "rectangular solid" DEFINITON: A rectangular solid is a six-sided solid block in which all sides are rectangles.

What solid has six rectangular faces?

Rectangular parallelepiped

How many planes of symmetry does a rectangular solid have?

A rectangular solid that is not a cube has 3 planes of symmetry.

What is the differentiate of polygon and the solid figure?

A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure, a solid is 3-dimensional.

How do you make a 2 dimesional rectangular solid?

A rectangular solid is 3-dimensional, but I'm assuming you mean a 2-dimensional representation of a rectangular solid, which is called a net. Do a search for the following: "net rectangular prism" and you will see a drawing of it.