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Q: Is a reflected light 90 degrees more than the original one?
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What makes a moons shape?

The sun does because it's light reflects off the moon. The more light reflected the bigger the shape. The less light reflected, the smaller the shape.


More or less the same as when the light falls anywhere else. Part of the light will be reflected, part of it will be absorbed. Light will usually not pass through a can, which is not transparent for visible light.

What things is reflected from natural light?

Natural light can reflect the true colors of objects, enhance the details and textures of surfaces, and create dynamic patterns or shadows. It can also help regulate circadian rhythms and improve mood and productivity in indoor spaces.

The material that gives paint its color by absorbing some colors of light and reflecting others?

More or less yes, basically the red paint absorbs all of the colours of light except for the red light which is reflected. It is this reflected red light which we see.

Why are image reflected from a rough surface not as clear as those reflected from a smooth surface?

Some light that falls on any surface is scattered back (reflected). A rough surface tends to scatter the light in different directions while a smooth surface tends to scatter more of the original (incident) rays straight back. This explains why a smooth surface reflects a "clearer" image than that reflected from a rough surface.

What is the supplement of the complement of an angle measuring degrees?

It is 90 degrees more than the original angle.

What is meaning of light reflected from the surface of the moon?

The light reflected from the surface of the moon is sunlight that hits the moon and bounces back towards Earth, allowing us to see the moon in the night sky. This phenomenon is what gives the moon its glow and illumination.

Can light be reflected?

The reflection of light occurs when an electromagnetic wave (light) is absorbed by an electron (particle) which gains kinetic energy (speed) and then releases its energy in the form of light. This effect can be explained classically by Thomson scattering and more recently Compton scattering. Some light is not reemitted due to resonance and retention of kinetic energy by the electron resulting in absorption. If the absorption is at a certain wavelength, the reflected light appears to be a certain color. Mirrors are able to create an image because they have a very smooth surface. This enables the surface to reflect light uniformly as opposed to scattering it in all directions like most objects.

What happens when sunlight hits a surface?

The sunlight will be absorbed by the surface.If the surface is a mirror,lesser light will be absorbed.More will be reflected. If the surface is black,more light will be absorbed.

Maximum Sun light is reflected by ocean water than by glaciers?

Ocean water appears lighter in color and reflects more sunlight compared to glaciers, which are usually covered in darker debris and absorb more sunlight. This difference in reflectivity is due to the varying properties of the two surfaces, with water having a higher albedo (reflectivity) compared to ice and snow.

What happens when sunlight hits a dark surface?

When sunlight hits a dark surface, the surface absorbs more of the light and converts it into heat compared to a light-colored surface. This absorption of light energy causes the dark surface to heat up more quickly, which is why dark surfaces can feel hotter to the touch than light-colored surfaces under direct sunlight.

How does reflective insulation work?

The production of reflective fabric uses the principle of retro reflection. It helps the eye perceive light in low-light conditions. In more scientific terms, retro reflection occurs when light rays are returned in the direction from which they came. A large amount of reflected light is returned directly to the original light source, such as a car's headlights. Since very little light is scattered when the light is returned, retro reflective materials appear brightest to an observer located near the original light source. Get more professional suggestions at