Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
No, because in that case your quotient should be increased by 1 and your remainder should be 0.
Yes. 0 / 2 = 0, with remainder of 0.
17 with remainder 0.
Since the remainder is 0 when the numbers are divided by 3, then that number is a multiples of 3. For example, 45/3 = 15 remainder 0 45/4= 11 remainder 1 45/7 = 6 remainder 3
Since binary is about 2 digits do the calculatio asmentioned below: We have 146,right.... 1.)Divide it with 2 so is there any remainder ,no, so 0,quotient is 71 2.)Now divide the quotient with 2, now remainder is 1, quotient is,35 3.) Again repeat the same procedure, now remainder is 1, quotient is 17 4.) same process continues,remainder now 1, quotient is 8, 5.)Same, remainder is 0,quotient is 4 6.)Same, remainder is 0,quotient is 2 7.)Same, remainder is 0,quotient is 1 8.)Same, remainder is 1,quotient is 0. Now atlast consider all the remainders from bottom... You will get 10001110 is your answer in binary.
No, because in that case your quotient should be increased by 1 and your remainder should be 0.
We can easily do this by doing a long division with a remainder column added on. 1110/2 =555 with a remainder of 0. 555/2 =277 with a remainder of 1. 277/2 =138 with a remainder of 1. 138/2 =69 with a remainder of 0. 69/2 =34 with a remainder of 1. 34/2 =17 with a remainder of 0. 17/2 =8 with a remainder of 1. 8/2 =4 with a remainder of 0. 4/2 =2 with a remainder of 0. 2/2 =1 with a remainder of 0. 1/2 = 0 with a remainder of 1. Now we read the remainder column from BOTTOM TO TOP. 10001010110
Yes. 0 / 2 = 0, with remainder of 0.
To check for divisibility, use the "%" operator - the remainder of a division. If the remainder is 0, it is divisible.for (i = 1; i
remainder = 0
If you divide an integer by 9, the remainder can be anything from 0 to 8.If you divide an integer by 9, the remainder can be anything from 0 to 8.If you divide an integer by 9, the remainder can be anything from 0 to 8.If you divide an integer by 9, the remainder can be anything from 0 to 8.
15410 in base two =2*154 =77 remainder 0 =2*77 =38 remainder 1 =2*38 = 19 remainder 0 =2*19 = 9 remainder 1 =2*9 = 4 remainder 1 =2*4 = 2 remainder 0 =2*2 = 1 remainder 0 =2*1 = 0 remainder 1 :. 15410 in base two or binary numerals = 010110012
yes, this just says that there is a 0 remainder. For example, 6 is divisible by 3 since the remainder is 0
17 with remainder 0.