

Best Answer

Yes, it is a parrallelogram, or that's what my teacher tells me

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Q: Is a rhombus a paralellogram
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Is every rhombus a paralellogram?

Yes, it is a parallelogram.

A quadrilateral that is not a rectangle?

a kite, paralellogram, trapezoid, rhombus...

Is a paralellogram always a rhombus?

Not necessarily, a parallelogram can also be a rectangle.

What are the five equilaterals?

A rhombus, square , paralellogram ,rectangle, and trapezoid

What is a paralellogram with all sides congruent?

A rhombus if it has no right triangles, and a square if all the angles are right. The basic answer is a rhombus or square.

Is every rhombus a parallelogram rectangle square or trapezoid?

'A square is a type of rectangle, a rectangle is a type of paralellogram, a paralellogram is a type of trapezoid, a trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral.

What is a shape with a paralellogram?

A parallelogram in the form of a rhombus is a 4 sided quadrilateral with no right angles

What shape has reflection and rational symmetry?

A square, a paralellogram, a trapezoid, a circle, a rectangle, a rhombus.

What polygon with no right angle all sides the same length two parallel sides?

Rhombus or paralellogram

Is a rhombus always a parallelogram?

Yes.A parallelogram is not always a rhombus. However, if a rhombus has at least two equal sides then it will be considered a parallelogram. A rhombus is also know as an quadrilateral.Yes.

Does a Parallelogram have 4 equal sides?

It depends. The word paralellogram covers the whole family of both squares and rectangles.

Can you draw a square that is not a parallelogram?

yes,you can._____________________________________________/ // this is a paralellogram. it is not a square. the top is parallel to the bottom/ // // // // // // /------------------------------------------------------------------------