

Is a rotting log a consumer?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is a rotting log a consumer?
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Is a rotting log a ecosytem?

Its a part of a tree that is dead and rotting away.

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Rotting log

Do caterpillars lives in a rotting log?

Caterpillars that I have observed seem to prefer live vegetation, but a rotting log may contain grubs and other larvae.

What are the organisms that digest the rotting log for food?

Rotting log? Animals? e.g. toadstools and bracket fungus Credits - Mr. Black Don't mind the word

How is a rotting log an ecosystem?

organisms live in it... O_O

What lives in a rotting log?

Bugs and other slugs

What animal or plant lives in a rotting log?

A Jack fuller

What animals live a rotting log under a rotting log?

Animals that live under a rotting log include insects like beetles, millipedes, and worms. These decomposers help break down the log and recycle nutrients back into the soil. Additionally, small mammals like salamanders and mice may also seek shelter and food in this habitat.

What type of insects eat rotting log?

the rotten log eating insect (named dixie normus)

What plants live under a rotting log?

Plants like mosses, ferns, fungi, and small flowering plants can be commonly found under a rotting log. These plants thrive in the moist and shaded environment provided by the log and help in the decomposition process. They contribute to the forest ecosystem by recycling nutrients and providing habitat for other organisms.