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Q: Is a school semester 2 quarters?
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6 semesters is equal to how many years?

1 semester of school is 4 months. 1 semester of school is 4 months. 1 semester of school is 4 months. 1 semester of school is 4 months. 1 semester of school is 4 months. 1 semester of school is 4 months. ------------------------------------------- 6 semesters--------------- 24 months (2 years)

Is kaplan university online classes semester or quarter?

kaplan is on quarters

What semester after summer semester?

Depends on the school, but generally its Fall.

Is a college quarter the same as a semester?

The Quarter and the Semester are different. During the standard school year from about September to about May, there are two Semesters but there are three Quarters. Classes given by colleges that use the Quarter system run for fewer weeks than classes given on the Semester system, but more classes are taken during an academic year.

What does semester mean?

A semester is a term usually referring to a length of a school program. A semester is half of a school year usually around 16 weeks.

Does Washington state university have semesters or quarters?

They are on the semester system, with additional classes in the summer.

How long is a first semester for middle school?

First semester is usually from when school starts to Christmas break, and then rest of the year is the second semester. Also two 9 week periods if your school does that.

What are the release dates for Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide - 2004 New Semester and Electives 2-1?

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide - 2004 New Semester and Electives 2-1 was released on: USA: 1 October 2005

When does spring semester end?

Spring semester varies from one school system to another. To find out when spring semester ends, look on your school's calendar, ask your teacher, or call the school or central office.

How many quarters can a player play in Missouri high school basketball?

Assuming this is in high school, a girl can play all four quarters.

If i drop out of law school my second semester how long will i have to wait until i go back to law school?

If you drop out of school in your second semester, you may have to wait until the next semester to go back to school after passing the supplementary exams.

How many quarters in two quarters?

There are 2 quarters in 2 quarters.