

Is a square a polyhedron

Updated: 11/5/2022
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Q: Is a square a polyhedron
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One face of a polyhedron is a triangle what are two types of polyhedron?

square and hexagon

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What is a polyhedron with five faces and a square base?

A square based pyramid.

What is a polyhedron with five faces and a square base called?

A polyhedron can have any number of faces 4 or higher.

Is a square a polyhedral shape?

No- A square is a plane figure- it is a type of polygon not a polyhedron.

Which polyhedron has 5 triangular faces and a square base?

A square based pyramid.

What kind of polyhedron is a square-based pyramid?

It is a pentahedron

What type of polyhedron is a square based pyramid?

It is a Pentahedron.

A regular polyhedron whose faces are square?

A cube.

What polyhedron's net is made of four triangles and one square?

A square based pyramid.

What Polyhedron has 5 corners and faces?

a pyramid with a square bottom