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No not really but they are both classed as 4 sided quadrilaterals

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Q: Is a square like a kite?
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In what way is a kite like a square?

A kite has 4 sides and so does a square

Is a kite shape a square?

NO!!!! A KITE has two Adjacent sides of equal length.

Is a kite is always or never or sometimes square?

A kite is never a square but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

If a quadrilateral is a square then it is not a kite?

A kite is a quadrilateral is a kite if it has two sets of sides that are the same length and are adjacent to each other. A square fits this definition, so a square is a kite.

Is a kite a quadrangles?

yes, it has 4 sides and angles.... like a square. :)

What are parellelograms?

kite , rhombus, square, rectangle ,kite,etc...

Is a kite always never or sometimes a square?

A kite is never a square but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

Is a square always sometimes or never a kite?

A kite is never a square but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

Are all kites squares?

Yes. Any rhombus is also a kite (but not the other way around), and since any square is also a rhombus, any square is also a kite.

Is a kite always a square?


How is a kite different than a square?

A kite has two pairs of sides with the same length, where each pair is connected by a corner. For example, a quadrilateral with sides 4-4-5-5 would be a kite. A rhombus is a special kind of kite, with all sides equal. And a square is a special kind of rhombus with four right angles. So every square is a kite, but not every kite is a square.

Is a kite a regular shape?

A kite is only a regular shape if it is also a square or rectangle.