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Q: Is a thrush bigger than a pigeon?
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Bird names 6 letters?

cuckoo, pigeon, thrush, peewit, turkey, osprey, parrot, magpie

Is an African Grey parrot larger than a pigeon?

it is slightly bigger than the pigeon.

What is biggest a pigeon thrush wren robin?

The largest bird among those listed is the pigeon, which can vary in size depending on the species. Thrushes, wrens, and robins are generally smaller birds in comparison.

Is a thrush bigger than a robin?

That depends which thrush you are talking about. Robins are members of the thrush family. The thrush family ranges in size from 0.75oz to 6.3oz. The American robin is around 2.7oz.

what is the similarities of chicken, pigeon, sage thrasher, and ostrich?

Chickens have bigger eyes than a pigeon

How big should a pigeon box be?

A little bit bigger than the Pigeon. Hope this helps x Pigeon Veteran

Which bird out of a barn owl a thrush and a wood pigeon is a top predator?

Barn owl.

What is a scavenger bird with 6 letters?

Shrike Thrush Plover and so on ...

What is taller a woodpecker or a pigeon?

The average pigeon is nearly 2 inches bigger than the average woodpecker. The largest woodpeckers, such as a pileated woodpecker, are much larger than pigeons.

What is bigger a common pigeon or wood pigeon?

Similar in size, if you mean common pigeon as the rock dove.

What's the difference between a song thrush bird and a mistle thrush bird?

One of the differences is in the breast marking. The mistle thrush has round breast markings and the Song Thrush has arrow shaped markings. The song thrush is also smaller and browner than the Mistle Thrush.

How do you tell a male roller pigeon from a female?

Male piegon is always bigger and female is always smaller.