A 106-inch tree is equivalent to 8 feet 10 inches. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Therefore, you can divide 106 inches by 12 to get the number of feet (8) and the remaining inches (10).
32*6.25 ft = 200 feet.
4.5 feet
120 feet, in feet and inches, is 120 feet and 0 inches.
31 inches = how many feet and inches 2 feet and 7 inches
The tree is 6 feet 11 inches tall.
7 feet, 5 inches
101 inches is 8 feet 5 inches
4 feet, 2 inches
A 106-inch tree is equivalent to 8 feet 10 inches. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Therefore, you can divide 106 inches by 12 to get the number of feet (8) and the remaining inches (10).
50 feet
Assuming that the tree is approximately circular, if it is 51 inches in diameter then it is a little over 160 inches in circumference.
It is about 60000 inches long(20 feet)
To convert cubic inches to cubic feet for a round tree, you would first calculate the volume of the tree in cubic inches using the formula for the volume of a cylinder (π * (radius)^2 * height). Then, divide the cubic inches by 1,728 (the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot) to get the volume in cubic feet.
Coconut, palm or banana possibly (although banana is not a tree).
32*6.25 ft = 200 feet.
The height would remain the same.