It depends on the length of the sides and the degree of the angles. If L1=L2=L3, and <a=<b=<c, then it is a regular polygon. Can you read algebraic expressions? If you can't, get someone who can. <br>
irregular triangle
No because an equilateral triangle is a regular polygon whereas an obtuse triangle is irregular
For example, you can divide the polygon into triangles, and calculate the area of each triangle.
Any polygon can have at least one right angled - for example a right angled triangle. An example of an irregular polygon with only right angles is a rectangle.
-- trapezoid -- triangle -- irregular quadrilateral -- pentagon -- hexagon etc.
irregular triangle
It is irregular as not all the sides have the same length.
A triangle is a polygon. It can be regular or irregular. If it's regular, then all three sides are the same length, and it's called an "equilateral triangle". If all three sides aren't the same length, then it's an irregular polygon.
Any triangle other than an equilateral triangle.
It cannot be any regular polygon, not a rectangle. But it could be a triangle or irregular polygons with 4 or more sides.It cannot be any regular polygon, not a rectangle. But it could be a triangle or irregular polygons with 4 or more sides.It cannot be any regular polygon, not a rectangle. But it could be a triangle or irregular polygons with 4 or more sides.It cannot be any regular polygon, not a rectangle. But it could be a triangle or irregular polygons with 4 or more sides.
It is an irregular polygon such as a scalene triangle
No because an equilateral triangle is a regular polygon whereas an obtuse triangle is irregular
For example, you can divide the polygon into triangles, and calculate the area of each triangle.
Any polygon can have at least one right angled - for example a right angled triangle. An example of an irregular polygon with only right angles is a rectangle.
yes it is but it might look different and so it is an irregular triangle.