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In a very skew distibution, a "typical" value would be at one end or the other, certainly not the centre.

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Q: Is a value that is typical or representative of the data is referred to as a measure of central location?
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A value that is typical or representative of the data is referred to as a measure of central location?

No, it is not, values typical of the data are always located at the extremes of all data frequencies.

What provides a measure of central location for the data?


Which measure of central tendency is more representative of the typical oberservation if the graph of the data is skewed to the right?


Is range a measure of central location?

No, it isn't. Mean, median, and mode are the three most common measures of central location (although there are others). These measures of central location are attempts to find the middle value of a range.

Is mean a measure of central location?

yes it is, but it is actually called central tendecey just like( the median and mode)

Is there a measure of central location that the sum of deviations of each value will always be zero?

yes is it the median?

For which measure of central location will the sum of the deviations of each value from the data's average will always be zero?

The mean.

Which measure of central location will the sum of the deviations of each value from the data's average always be zero?

the mean

Which measure of central location is found by arranging the data from smallest to largest and selecting the middle value?


What is the sum of all deviations of a data value from a measure of central location that will always be zero?

Difference (deviation) from the mean.

Which measure of central location will the sum of the deviation of each value from the data's average will always be zero?

the mean %100

What is statistical average?

average is defined as a single value which has tendency to represent the data as a whole. averages are also called "measure of central tendency" or "measure of location"