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no, it is the same thing as a RAY

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Q: Is a zero angle the same thing as a line?
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What is a zero angle?

its the same thing as a ray.

A ray is the same thing as a .?

zero angle

What does a zero angle look like?

A zero angle is a straight positive line. The x coordinate is positive and y is zero. In addition, zero angle is a coterminal of 360 degree angle meaning that they lie in the same angle.------------------>An angle whose measure is 0 degrees is called zero angle.

What is a zero angle the same thing as a?

360 degrees, 720 degrees etc.

Is the angle of incidence the same as angle of refraction?

No, the angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the normal line, while the angle of refraction is the angle between the refracted ray and the normal line. In general, these angles are not the same, except in the case of normal incidence where they are both zero.

What angle is Zero degrees?

zero degrees is not an angle because there is degrees

Why is a slope of a horizontal line zero?

The slope of a line is the tangent of the angle made by the line with the X-axis. Since for a horizontal line, this angle is 0 and tan(0) = zero, the slope of a horizontal line is zero.

Why is the slope of a horizontal line zero?

The slope of a line is the tangent of the angle made by the line with the X-axis. Since for a horizontal line, this angle is 0 and tan(0) = zero, the slope of a horizontal line is zero.

What is the reflex of zero angle?

There is no such thing.

Is a zero degree angle an acute angle?

No, it is not an acute angle but we can say it a whole angle or a line segment.

Why is a zero degree angle same as a180 degree angle?

A zero degree angle is not the same as a 180 degree angle -- no more than a90 degree angle is the same as a 270 degree angle.It's not. An angle of zero is the same as an angle of 360 degrees. In fact, if you startwith any angle, and add or subtract 360 degrees from it, you wind up with the sameangle as the original one.

A zero angle is the same as a?

A zero angle is the same as a ray. A ray starts at one point and will go in a certain direction forever.